Term:Mechanical ventilation
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Encyclopaedic information
The benefits of baricitinib plus remdesivir for persons on mechanicalventilation are uncertain.
While mechanical ventilation is a potentially life-saving intervention, it can worsen lung injury and, through ventilator-induced lung injury (VILI), contribute to multiorgan failure in patients with ARDS
Source: https://www.sccm.org/getattachment/Disaster/SSC-COVID19-Critical-Care-Guidelines.pdf
This treatment effect was most pronounced among those who required high-flow oxygen or non-invasive ventilation but were not on invasive mechanical ventilation .
Source: https://files.covid19treatmentguidelines.nih.gov/guidelines/covid19treatmentguidelines.pdf
This trial did not demonstrate a benefit of CP in hospitalized patients with mild to moderate ARDS who are not receiving mechanical ventilation.
Source: https://files.covid19treatmentguidelines.nih.gov/guidelines/covid19treatmentguidelines.pdf
- invasive mechanical ventilation
- non-invasive mechanical ventilation
- high-flow/supplemental oxygen and mechanical ventilation
- to require/need mechanical ventilation
- need for mechanical ventilation
- duration of mechanical ventilation
- mechanical ventilation: 4
- invasive mechanical ventilation: 25
- need for mechanical ventilation: 288
- duration of mechanical ventilation: 441
Variants and synonyms
- intubation
Patients with the more severe form of SARS often required mechanical ventilation.
Source: https://www.bjanaesthesia.org/article/S0007-0912(17)36204-9/fulltext
Invasive mechanical ventilation ensures oxygenation and ventilation via positive pressure delivered through a secure airway.
Source: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2666084920303223?via%3Dihub
They were then admitted to the intensive care unit and supported with mechanical ventilation.
Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/srep41601
- (non)invasive mechanical ventilation
- required mechanical ventilation
- prolonged mechanical ventilation
- to require/necessitate/need mechanical ventilation
- to receive/undergo mechanical ventilation
- to initiate mechanical ventilation
- mechanical ventilation: 168
- intubation: >1000
Variants and synonyms
- ventilation
A total of 1,136 people are hospitalised, with 194 people in intensive care, 78 of whom require ventilation.
- ventilation: >1000
No instances of "mechanical ventilation" were found in the press corpus. The example provided is the only instance of a synonymous use of "ventilation", which is otherwise used to refer to the process of aerating indoor spaces.
The concept is absent from the corpus.