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Dr. Mariusz Górnicz

Institute of Specialised and Intercultural Communication, University of Warsaw

  • Project Leader
  • Associate Professor at the University of Warsaw, terminologist, medical translator
  • research interests: terminology, special languages, linguistic borrowing, medical language
  • roles in Semester I:
    • author of lectures on introduction to terminology
    • supervisor of the ‘normative’ Working Group

Dr. Weronika Szemińska

Institute of Specialised and Intercultural Communication

University of Warsaw

  • Assistant Professor at the University of Warsaw, terminographer, legal translator
  • research interests: dictionaries of law, legal translation, legal language
  • roles in Semester I:
    • author of lectures on knowledge representation
    • assistant supervisor of the ‘academic’ Working Group
    • Grand Mistress of knowledge base compilation

PD Dr. Laura Giacomini

Institute of Translation and Interpreting, Heidelberg University

  • Associate Professor at the University of Heidelberg and the University of Hildesheim
  • research interests: terminology, lexicography, phraseology, translation technologies
  • roles in Semester I:
    • author of lectures on representation of knowledge
    • supervisor of the ‘press’ Working Group
    • supervisor of knowledge base compilation

Prof. Dr. Bogdan Babych

Institute of Translation and Interpreting, Heidelberg University

  • Professor at Heidelberg University
  • research interests: machine translation, Computer-Assisted Translation technologies, information extraction, Ukrainian and Slavonic linguistics
  • roles in Semester I:
    • author of lectures on term extraction
    • supervisor of the ‘press’ Working Group

Dr. Dominika Kováříková

Institute of the Czech National Corpus, Charles University

  • Assistant Professor at Charles University, corpus linguist, lexicologist, lexicographer, morphologist
  • research interests: theoretical terminology, terminology extraction, lexicography (academic word lists), grammatical categories
  • roles in Semester I:
    • author of lectures on introduction to terminology and term extraction
    • supervisor of the ‘academic’ Working Group

Dr. Carolina Flinz

Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, Milan University

  • Junior-Professor at the University of Milan, Department of Foreign Languages and Literature (German Linguistics and Translation)
  • research interests: LSP-Lexicography, Corpus Linguistics, Discourse Linguistics, Contrastive linguistics, DaF
  • roles in Semester I:
    • author of lectures on knowledge representation
    • supervisor of the ‘press’ Working Group